Home Improvement - Finish Your Basement - DIY

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Home Improvement


Do you have home improvement projects to work on?
Are you not sure where to start??

Finishing your basement can significantly increase the value of your home. 

I just helped my son finish the drywall for the basement in his in-law's home so him and his wife could move in after just being recently married.


Here are my 3 simple tips for remodeling:

1. If you can, do it yourself, but consider hiring a professional for the electrical and plumbing.
2. Keep in mind there will be intensive labor such as the sheet rocking shown in this video. 
3. Map out all the details before you start. Make a plan.


If you have any questions about remodeling, I could answer them for you! If not, I'll be sure to point you in the right direction. I am here to help you make your home the best it can be for your own enjoyment or ready for the market!


Contact me for more information and for all your Real Estate needs.

Brian Info 2
Brian Olsen - Coldwell Banker